Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week 16: Weather and work try to bring us down

Training was a little tough this week---we had days in the upper 90s with high humidity and thunderstorms in the beginning of the week, and Chris had an extremely heavy workload--he was actually at work from 8pm Tue-8pm Wed (well, except for the 3 hour nap he had here from 2-5am). As our runs get longer, it gets harder to work around these things; finding 20-30 minutes to knock out a few miles is one thing, but finding 1-2 hours or more can be difficult. I have to admit this makes me nervous, especially as the days get shorter, but we will find a way!

Our weekly stats:

Run 1:  3.06 miles in 30:29 (this one was 615am as the day was very hot and humid)

Run 2:  2.63 miles in 38:24 (this was supposed to be 4 miles, but C was called in for an emergency--not that I was complaining. It was 8pm and still 93 degrees when we started! Too hot.)

Run 3:  4.23 miles in 42:40  (this one was supposed to be 3 miles but I wanted to make up for the lost distance yesterday so I went further. I did this one alone due to C's work commitments.)

Run 4: 9.16 miles in 1:35:40 or 95:40  (luckily the weather broke and it was only about 65 degrees and overcast when we went out. Chris was an awesome running buddy, especially on the hills. I sure felt tired afterward though!)

Total: 19.08 miles

Thanks for reading!

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