Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 2: Taking the show on the road

This week was a lot of fun with family and friends. The weather was nice, no major aches or pains to speak of, and we had a great change of scenery running along the CT shoreline over the weekend. Our youngest Mr. R joined us on one of our shorter runs during the week, and Chris's sister Amanda kept us company on our Sunday walk. Besides our long run on Saturday morning, there was beach time with the kids (they even went swimming--brr!); mountain biking in a forest; shopping for new school shoes; and even some dancing that night! Needless to say we were all ready for serious sleep by the time we made it home last night.

Here's what we accomplished:

Tue 4/10    1.54 miles in 14:50 (I did this one on my own, Chris had a long day at work)
Wed 4/11   3.07 miles in 30:01
Thu 4/12    1.51 miles in 15:19 (this is the one R joined us on)
Sat  4/14     4.02 miles in 38.55 (this was only supposed to be 3.5 miles but the GPS wasn't working so we ran based on time; just went a little faster than we thought!)
Sun 4/15    2.25 miles in 39:44 (nice walk)

Most of these times are faster than I am used to running, and I won't be at all surprised if we get slower as the distances get longer. I will definitely be curious to see how this pans out!

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